APOSTASY Announces New Drummer

May 20, 2010

Swedish death/black metallers APOSTASY have announced the addition of drummer Thomas Olsson (THE PROJECT HATE, KAMTJATKA) to the group's ranks. The band states, "Thomas really likes our work and we're really thrilled that he joined to bring APOSTASY to yet another level.

"Thomas used to play in THE PROJECT HATE, KAMTJATKA and has co-written albums/songs with PRIMAL FEAR, SINNER, SAINT DEAMON, Michael Kiske/PLACE VENDOME and Fergie Fredriksen (ex-TOTO) for a solo album release 2010. He has been on tour in Europe and plays everything from symphonic art to death metal."

In other news, APOSTASY has been confirmed for this year's edition of the Rockweekend festival, set to take place July 8-10 in Kilafors (two hours north of Stockholm),Sweden.

Several new songs from APOSTASY are available for streaming on the band's MySpace page. The tracks will appear on the group's forthcoming third full-length album, "Nuclear Messiah", which will be released later in the year.

"Nuclear Messiah" was recorded in part at Ballerina studios in UmeƄ, Sweden.

Vocalist Fredric Edin previously stated about the upcoming CD, "It's been a rocky road for us when we lost [guitarist] Henrik [Johansson], but now we are stronger than ever and can guarantee you folks that this will surely be the most brutal and most technical we have ever made, so what I want to say is: We don't slow down like everybody else does, we just accelerate and make it more brutal. It is worth waiting for!"

APOSTASY made national headlines in Sweden in 2006 when the group's guitarist Henrik Johansson was stabbed to death by his girlfriend. At 3:55 a.m. on March 9, 2006, the 19-year-old girlfriend dialed 112 (the Swedish equivalent of 911 in the U.S. or 999 in the U.K.) and said that her boyfriend was lying bleeding on the floor in the couple's apartment in Kramfors, Sweden. When the paramedics and police arrived, Henrik Johansson was already dead.

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